Task 1
Describe an activity that you enjoyed the most when you were a child.
Task 2
While traveling, some people prefer to go to new places, others prefer to go to familiar places. Which do you prefer? Explain why.
Task 3
校刊上新加校外工作机会的信息,两个原因:1.校内工作很少,能给学生提供更多的工作; 2. 有工作经验对以后找工作有帮助
女生同意,原因1. 这样能帮助大家获得信息,尤其是大一新生。她以前找工作失败就是因为的纸质信息早被抢没了;2. 能让大家找到和自己专业相适应的工作。她的朋友想当律师结果在书店工作,而能在律师事务所工作的经历对她的将来很重要。
Reading: The school plans to feature information about job opportunities off campus on campus newspapers
Reason 1: Students will be more aware of job opportunities
Reason 2: Work experience will be an advantage when students pursue their career
The woman agrees.
Reason 1: Students will know where to look for jobs, especially freshmen. She couldn’t find a job because all the posters about job opportunities had been taken.
Reason 2: Having jobs related to their major will help students when they look for jobs after graduating from college. For example, one of her friends wants to be a lawyer, but she is working in a bookstore. If she could work in a law firm, that would really help her in the future.
Task 4
Consumer lock-in: A company makes a customer dependent on a vendor for products and services, unable to use another vendor without substantial switching costs.
Example: The professor had a Brand-A camera but the zoom lens was broken. He saw a Brand-B zoom lens which was less expensive and actually might be of better quality, but it couldn’t fit his camera so he ended up having to buy the zoom lens from Brand-A which cost more.
Task 5
Problem: The man is supposed to wear a suit to a fancy wedding, but the one he borrowed from his brother is too short for him.
Solution 1: His friend could help make the suit longer, but she’s not very professional, so it’s risky
Solution 2: He could buy a new one. He has a job interview next week and he could wear the suit as well, but it’s expensive.
Task 6
1. 长得矮,抵风;2. 保存水
The professor talks about two ways alpine plants adapt to the harsh environment. The first is by keeping the plants short. Because of high wind, the plants only grow a few centimeters so that they don’t break. The second is to save water by having wax skin, because the soil is very dry on high mountains.