
admin 托福真题 10年前 3288℃ 0



  Task 1

  What do you think is the most effective way to find a job?

  Task 2

  Do you prefer to study for 9 or 10 months, or study all year round?

  Task 3

  The school plans to close the gym for 2 weeks during the spring break for some minor renovations. The woman in the conversation agrees. First, the renovations won’t cause much inconvenience because few students will stay on campus during the break. Those who do stay usually focus on their study and seldom use the gym. Like when she was staying on campus to finish up a project, she went to the gym once and no one was there. Second, outdoor facilities are still available if students do want to exercise. It is quite warm and actually perfect for outdoor activities.

  Task 4

  Recruitment: Insects release signals to inform other insects to come and cooperate. For example, there is a type of ant called the fire ant that live in nests in South America. Some ants have a special job which is to leave the nests to find food. When one ant finds a piece of fruit too big for it to carry back, it will walk back to recruit more ants while releasing a chemical that forms a trail on the way. When it arrives, other ants can then follow the trail and find the fruit and then carry it back together.

  Task 5

  The woman is working as a teaching assistant for a professor and she’s supposed to grade like 40 exam sheets which is due the next day. But she forgot that she’s got other work to do tonight. The first solution is to talk to her professor to reschedule the job. The second solution is to stay up late for both tasks.

  Task 6

  The professor talks about why solidarity develops in different societies.

  One reason is that all society members do the same kind of job. For example, people in rural areas are mainly farmers who deal with basic work and so they share similar lives. Solidarity develops in this society because the same job creates a sense of unity.

  The other reason is because of different divisions of job. For instance, people in town have different tasks like doctors and stuff, and they are interdependent. Solidarity develops in this kind of society because people depend on each other.

