

  小编为托福考生整理了托福考试背景材料“会飞的家具”,希望可以帮助考生更好的备战托福阅读考试,祝大家取得好成绩!  Imagine a future where your furniture flies, reacting and responding to your everyday needs. You could have an almost-sentient desk that jets off when it feels you’re over-working, or a r...
托福阅读 2015-10-16 0 3157


  小编为托福考生整理了托福考试背景材料“安妮·海瑟薇综合症”,希望可以帮助考生更好的备战托福阅读考试,祝大家取得好成绩!  When you work hard, when that work is awarded, when your body and beauty match societal standards, when you check every box, and still everyone tells you you're doing it wrong, th...
托福阅读 2015-10-16 0 3311


  World health experts warned Thursday that smoking water pipes, long popular in the Middle East and North Africa and with a growing fan base elsewhere, can be more harmful than cigarettes.  世界卫生专家近期警告称, 在中东和北非盛行的水烟危害程度可能比香烟更大,全球其他地区也有越来越多的水烟爱好者。...
托福阅读 2015-04-02 0 2594